Learn about Culinary Blueprint

We start with plants, whole foods, and add in sustainable fish or poultry from time to time. On rare occasions, grass fed, grass finished meats.

About Mark

Hi, I am a Home Cook too.

I have been cooking for my family and friends for years. Our table is often full and always has room for one more. Now we are bringing you into our virtual kitchen to enable you to build confidence in your cooking and become a freestyle cook.

I am not an expert on nutrition and have never attended a culinary school. I am an everyday home cook that has been at it for 35 years, honing my skills one meal at a time. As a friend once told me all cooking is an experiment. As a trained Mechanical Engineer my cooking focuses on testing and experimenting so I can get repeatable and reliable results.

I created Culinary Blueprint as a site for other home cooks out there to learn about sustainable foods, hone techniques, experiment with new flavor profiles and cook meals from scratch both with and without recipes.

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